Friday, April 13, 2007

Start from the beginning

I left the U.S. for Vienna about 9 months ago. When I left, I was planning to send regular, detailed updates to all my friends, relatives, etc., about my life, plans, and trips. Unfortunately, I never got around to it. But it's never too late to start. The next posts are going to be posts about individual trips I've taken in Europe and elsewhere.

But to start at the beginning - to the left you see my beautiful girlfriend, Lea, and myself. We live together in Vienna. I moved there last July to be with her and to travel and have fun. Since that time, I've had a lot of (somewhat wacky) adventures. These will be detailed later, but to summarize, I've been to Italy, France, lots of Austria, Israel, and a couple of return trips to the U.S., with more to come in the future.

I was recently accepted into the Master's of Political Science program at Vienna University. It sounds hard, but I'll actually be spending my first couple semesters studying German full time. Lea is almost done with her education, as well, and at that point, well, the world is our Oyster.
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1 comment:

Catherine Spangler said...

Hey, I didn't even know you were going for a Masters in Poly Sci and I'm your mother!